Whether you’ve lived in the Lowcountry for decades, your entire life, or just moved here last year, I bet you’ve wondered aloud at least once, “What’s that flower?” or “What was that bird?” Maybe you found your answer in a field guide or from a knowledgeable friend, or maybe your question still lingers. The Flora and Fauna of Edisto Island and the Lowcountry Sea Islands was written to salve that sting of unknowing and feed your spark of curiosity! Arranged like an almanac with one plant and animal representing each week of the year, Book One in this series explores some of the most captivating, fascinating, and overlooked plants and animals that call the Sea Islands of the South Carolina Lowcountry home through the stunning photographs and well-researched writings of local conservationist, Tom Austin. No matter your background, from first-time tourist to seasoned local naturalist, you’re bound to learn something awe inspiring and wonderful about the unique flora and fauna of the Lowcountry. 


An avid naturalist, Tom Austin thoroughly enjoys the splendor of the natural world. His passion was forged through a childhood growing up in the Lowcountry; spending spring catching toads, summer raising box turtles, fall amused by insects, and winter watching birds flocking over his family’s land in Meggett, SC. Tom works with the Edisto Island Open Land Trust preserving the natural landscapes of the ACE Basin and bringing native wildlife, insects, and wildflowers into the public’s eye. 

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